Sunday, June 14, 2009

Personality, Colors and the Changing Seasons

Personality, Colors and the Changing Seasons

Modern man has largely lost natural rhythm as we do not live close to nature anymore, but one way we do emulate the seasonal rhythms is in our personality through color. The more sensitive we are to the vibrational energies of color, the more we are able to discern the color we require at any one time.We have all experienced being drawn to a color on a certain day. When we are drawn towards a particular color, it is indicative of our needs for the energy of that color.It is a fact that we are influenced by the fashionable colors for a specific season but these colors are not necessarily the colors which contribute to a person's well being.Spring colors are light and clear (tints),Summer colors are bright and intense (hues).Autumn sees deeper shades of colorWinter's colors are soft and deep.Our personality is linked to a season and we can find four distinct seasonal personalities.THE WINTER PERSONALITY - COOL COLORS - Strong contrasting colors Dramatic coloring, dark hair and eyes, also white/gray hair. Seen as strong, self-assured and aloof, these people are in fact shy and prefer the peace of their own company. They have good career minds, are loyal and reliable in a crisis. They are good organizers and leaders. THE SUMMER PERSONALITY - COOL COLORS - Blues and pinks Gentle, calm and soft. Perfectionists who find it hard to accept acknowledgment for what they do. Good listeners, but analytical and judgmental. Find it hard to express their feelings, and often deny themselves opportunities to use their talents.THE SPRING PERSONALITY - WARM COLORS - Green and corals Lively, vivacious and effervescent. Impulsive, easy and responsive to the opportunities in life. They laugh a lot. Not well organized and often lack professional diplomacy. Fresh ideas but often have too many projects going at once. They make friends easily are positive and have natural energy. THE AUTUMN PERSONALITY - WARM COLORS - Gold and brown Earthy characters, independent and career-minded. Good organizers and can deal with many projects at one time. Capable of both depressive introversion and out-going fun. Like company but can be alone. Unpredictable, but warm and friendly. Connecting to the rhythmic color energies of your world results in becoming part of the planets life force. The subtle powers of color become part of the person and enhances the quality of life.

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